Movie Monday Recap

You might notice the assortment of G and PG movies this week. Had a sick kiddo at home.
Pretty funny. Love the fish out of water story.
What's not to like about TLBT? They are just so cute.
You have to a real hardnose not to cry during this movie. I always cry every single time.
What's not to like about the Toy Story Saga.
I just love Violet. What a great heroine.
Has its funny moments. But yet another racing cartoon movie.
A crush worthy cartoon character. Sigh. There's something inherently wrong when animators make crush worthy heroes. They are CARTOONS!
One of the best monster movies ever. The chemistry between Kevin and Fred is priceless and hysterical.
Love. Dialogue is the best. Benedict as Kahn is perfect.
Depp's Sparrow is one of the best characters in cinema history
It was okay. Got a little long with the close-ups on Redford
Great Disney movie.


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