Cover Reveal: Finding Our Forever by Lan LLP
Finding Our Forever Forever #2 Lan LLP Releasing Sept 2014 Tragedy Strikes Again Now weaved into Carson Bradley's web of boundless wealth and pharmaceutical rivalries, Lillian Ly is altering the course of her bright academic future. She’s determined to follow the beat of her devoted heart even after a devastating loss she'd suffered as a result of a deliberate accident. With two missing researchers whose survival is based on a drug formula that Carson is unable to deliver, he fears the kidnappers will stop at nothing to get what they want—meaning Lillian’s life is also in danger. Can they find their forever with all the danger that still lies ahead? Guilt gnaws at his conscience with each passing day, but despite his shame, he still can’t let her go. She is the flame to his fire, the soul of his heart. Without her by his side, he is just a body without a warm pulse. Desperate to obtain the missing drug...