Power to the Fans - The Veronica Mars Movie Project

This post original appeared on my Angelia Almos blog. 

I was cruising Facebook yesterday evening and came across something very interesting. A post for FANS to help fund a Veronica Mars Movie. My first thought was scam and why would someone target the fans of VM? But then I looked around and found out this was actually Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell asking the fans to make a Veronica Mars movie happen. They had pitched the idea to Warner Bros. who had agreed to let them make a movie if they met a minimum donation amount - $2,000,000.

The Veronica Mars Movie Project at Kickstarter was born. As of this minute (9:55 AM PST, 3/14/2013) they have raised $2,695,311 from 44,523 backers (fans). They hit their goal of $2,000,000 in less than 11 hours after going live. Rob wasn't even sure they would hit the $2,000,000 within the 30 days of the drive.

If you're a Veronica Mars fan, be sure to watch the pitch video that many of the cast members and Rob made.

I find this entire thing fascinating. Imagine the possibilities of fans funding movies. What about other TV shows that were canceled too soon? What about movies that didn't make enough trillion dollars to warrant a studio sequel? What about those books which have a huge fan base, but the studios don't think it has a huge ENOUGH fan base? What if we the people can dictate the movies which are made?

This is all very exciting and I hope you can imagine the possibilities.


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